Run a Bitcoin node on AWS EC2

Is it worth to run a Bitcoin node? Is it better to use a local Raspberry Pi or a cloud EC2 instance?


How to connect via SSH from AWS CloudShell to EC2 instance

Just a quick list of actions and tricks to write down how to connect from AWS CloudShell to an EC2 instance


AWS Lambda npm scripts

AWS Lambda is great! But even better, there is no need to add any framework on top for management. You can use npm scripts.


Optimize Maxmind database loaded on Redshift using Analytical functions

If you need to associate an IP address to a country or a city probably you will use MaxMind data. If you load it in a relational database you will write a SQL statement that joins your traffic data with MaxMind data, which can be really heavy. This is an attempt to optimize queries by reducing the number of MaxMind data rows.


Redshift tips

I am using Redshift since two years ago, and as every database it has its SQL dialect and its secrets. I will write here everything I discover and it is worth to be annotated.


AWS Redshift compatible PostgreSQL client

How to install a PostgreSQL client (psql) that is compatible with AWS Redshift


S3 bucket public by default

How to make an Amazon S3 bucket public by default.


S3 to RedShift loader

Load data from S3 to RedShift using Lambda, powered by apex. Our goal is: every time the AWS Elastic load balancer writes a log file, load it into RedShift.